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I WILL Transform Your Body in 6 Weeks!

Professional ballerina, South African rhythmic gymnast, and exercise science specialist – Kirsten is a master of physical movement. She’s got both the scientific background and practical experience, both as a coach and an athlete, to help you crush your body goals while keeping you injury-free and enjoying every TME session. We interviewed her to uncover her coaching secrets and workout wisdom. And the best news of all? She can be your coach! 

  1. So, why is bodyweight training the best option for everyone?
    “In an orchestra, each musician uses an instrument, but as dancers, we used our own body as our instrument. Transitioning from a professional Ballerina to a Personal Trainer meant I could use the skill and style of training my body was built on to create my training method. I firmly believe that bodyweight movement is the best way to get to know your body’s capabilities and challenge yourself with minimal injury risk. There are absolutely no limits as to how many extraordinary things one’s body is capable of, if you’re willing to challenge your body and mind. The greatest changes we go through happen internally, so minimising one’s exercise environment is a fantastic way to focus on the reason you started... to look after YOUR BODY!”

  2. What do I need to do to get started?
    “Here are the three things I tell all my clients who are starting from the beginning: 

  • Write your goals down on a piece of paper and stick it on your bathroom mirror.

  • Remind yourself constantly that the motivated and determined person inside you that set your goal is somewhere in there, even on days when you can’t find her.

  • Be kind to yourself. It’s a lifestyle you’re creating, so make it sustainable by taking it one good decision at a time.”

  1. What are the nutrition tips you share with your clients?
    “I recommend all my clients see a dietitian to do blood work before I give them suggestions. Nutrition is SO personal, and I don’t believe everyone should be put into a box. What’s healthy for me may not be beneficial for you. But here are three guidelines I believe in: 

  • Food shouldn’t be seen as a reward.

  • What works for someone else may not work for you.

  • Listen to your body – it knows what’s best.  

I believe the beauty in a healthy lifestyle is about balance. Overindulging for one meal, WON’T MAKE A DIFFERENCE, just like eating healthy for one meal, WON’T MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I hate the terms “cheat day” or “guilty pleasure.” Life is about balance. Eating loads of fruit and veg, beans, and nuts makes me feel amazing, gives me the energy I need, and helps me with my food intolerances. It never has to be all or nothing – it’s about finding the balance that suits you.”

Ready to feel and look healthier? Sign up today with TME and Coach Kirsten. Find everything you need here




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